Friday, February 13, 2009

How did the Industrial Revolution and the rise of Capitalism spark interest in Africa and the imperialism of the 19th and 20th century?

An Industrial Revolution is a change in how goods are produced by using machines and other technologies. During the 1900’s European countries and the United States were undergoing a major change in the ways of social and economic structure.
This was due to the fact that these countries had land, labor and capital. Their natural resources such as coal and iron ore help to build machines which could mass produce products and making a better profit, increasing their economic rank. Also this country had geographic luck. Geographic luck is when certain societies have access to favorable physical factors that help them prosper more than others. All of these factors allowed them to come up with new inventions such as the steam engine, vaccines and railroads.
Such inventions sparked interest of Western countries in Africa. The geography of Africa is very diverse. Having rivers with rapids and waterfalls slowed down the exploration of Africa’s interior. However with the introduction of steam boats to western countries Africa could easily be navigated by the stronger steam boats and not run of by the rapids. Also because Africa has a regular coastline it was hard for sail boats or more outdated ones to travel through and the steam boats allowed them to have more control over the sea. The tropical climate of Africa made it very common for diseases to roam the environment. European countries now had a vaccine for the combat of malaria. Africa’s interior was divided into rainforest and desert. This created a ethnic disunity, which permitted the Western countries to easily take over a small part of people rather than all united as one. European countries used tribalism to their favor; often they would turn tribes against each other. This would result in the tribes to have civil war, and turn weak allowing the imperialist countries to easily conquer.

All of the imperialist nations had a pure market economy. Capitalism or Laissez faire is when everything is privately owned and people invest in business to profit. Having this economic system greatly sparked nations appeal to Africa. Business wanted more wealth through cheap labor. This action was not supported by the government of their nations so the business and factory owners needed to find an alternative. They decided to have cheap labor in other countries that allowed them. In Africa capitalist forced Africans to work as slaves in mines such as mines of conflict diamonds, to gain more profit and pay their workers less. Also the growth of Capitalism resulted in and interest of imperializing because they wanted Africa’s raw materials such as gold, diamond and ivory to make more products and market them.

Capitalism Structure
By: Florangel De Leon

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